The Presidency Board of the Interreligious Council of Albania has held today on February 3, 2021, the first meeting for this year.
The meeting was attended by the leaders of the five religious communities in the country, co-leaders of IRCA, H. Bujar Spahiu, Chairman of the Muslim Community of Albania, His Beatitude Anastas, Head of the Autocephalous Orthodox Church of Albania, Mons. George Frendo, President of the Episcopal Conference of Albania, H. Dede Edmond Brahimaj, the Head of the Bektashi World Headquarters, Pastor Ylli Doçi, President of the Evangelical Brotherhood of Albania, the General Secretary Dr. Genti Kruja and the head of Finance at IRCA Mrs. Sheldiana Agaraj Jano.
The interreligious meeting held at the Archdiocese of Tirana was opened by Mons. George Frendo at the same time the actual head of the Interreligious Council of Albania, who mention that although a year of pandemic full of challenges, the Interreligious Council of Albania has done a great job with various social and humanitarian activities, therefore he thanked everyone for the joint commitments during 2020 and especially the work done by the boards and the department with the commitments of his collaborators, the Secretary General Mr. Genti Kruja and Mrs. Agaraj, financier of IRCA. Subsequently according to and rotation approved by the Board of the Presidency, Mons. George Frendo has handed over the task of the head of the Interreligious Council H. Dede to Edmond Brahimaj, who will chair the presidency of IRCA for 2021.
The meeting continued according to the agenda, which was followed by the Secretary General of the Interreligious Council, Mr. Kruja, who has submitted the one-year report of IRCA. Among other things, he mentioned that 2020, although a year with limitations and obstacles due to the pandemic, it is worth noting that many commitments have been made, such as several humanitarian projects for families in need of earthquake areas, orphans, hospitals, the publication for the first time of a catalog in English, a book of activities in Albanian and English, various conferences and symposia, the realization of a documentary dedicated to the 30th anniversary of freedom of religion, etc. During 2020, several meetings of the Presidency Board, the Executive Board, the Department of Women and the Department of Youth were also held.
Following the meeting, the financier of IRCA, Mrs. Agaraj has reflected the full detailed financial report of the Interreligious Council for the last year.
Members of the Council of the Presidency during this meeting also discussed some important issues related to the commitments of IRCA on an ongoing basis, as well as issues still unresolved by the Albanian state, such as the issue of property not returned during these three decades freedom of belief.
Read more about the head of IRCA: