Council of the Presidency
The Council of the Presidency of the Interfaith Council of Albania consists of the heads of five religious communities:
1. H. Bujar Spahiu, Chairman of the Muslim Community of Albania.
2. His Beatitude Anastas Janullatos, Archbishop of the Autocephalous Orthodox Church of Albania.
3. Mons. Gjergj Meta, President of the Episcopal Conference of Albania
4. H. Dede Edmond Brahimaj, World Leader Bektashi Community.
5. Pastor Ergest Biti, Head of the Evangelical Brotherhood of Albania.
The Council of the Presidency
a) "The highest decision-making body of the IRC of Albania Center is the Council of the Presidency, which consists of the Leaders of the religious communities participating in the Center. It convene not less than twice a year and in special cases.
(b) In the case of removal from office of each of the heads of religious communities, for whatever reason, shall be replaced by his successor at the head of that religious community.
Article 12
a) The Council of Presidency shall determine the Chairperson of the Council of Presidency every year according to the rotation formula, starting with the largest traditional religious community. The Chairman will also be the Council's Spokesperson.
c) The Chairman of the Council of Presidency represents the Center in relations with third parties, signs any act arising from Presidential Council meetings, convenes Council meetings, hears reports from the General Secretary and executive staff, authorizes other persons to conduct procedural actions to courts or other state organs.
Article 13
The Presidential Council shall elect by a vote the General Secretary and the financier proposed by the President. In the event of an equal split of votes, the mayor's vote is decisive.
Article 14
The Council of Presidency directs all the activities of the Council, defines concrete directions of work, adopts Council projects and project funding priorities.
Article 15
The Council of the Presidency:
a. Approves the annual budget of the IRC of Albania
b. Approve plan - budget for the next financial period.
c. Analyses and approves financial reports.
d. Determines the strategic actions and action plan of the IRC of Albania and sets priority actions.
e. Approves the statute or its amendments
f. Approves the IRC of Albania's internal regulations.
g. It collects and supervises any commission or committee that may be raised by the council.
Article 16
The Council of the Presidency in any case only takes unanimous decisions on all matters, except for the voting of the functional persons, when the majority of the votes is sufficient and, when the votes are equal, the President's vote is decisive.
Article 17
The Presidency Council appoints and dismisses members of the Executive Council.
Article 18
For the purposes of developing and achieving certain objectives, the IRC of Albania may establish IRC of Albania’s Local Units.
Article 19
The local units will consist of two local representatives of each religious community and coincide with those that are represented in the Council of Presidency. Their election and dismissal is done by the Council of the Presidency.
Article 20
The activity, structure, duration and functioning of Local Units is determined by the IRC of Albania.
Article 21
The Presidency Council determines the chart of meetings itself.
a) The Council may convene in extraordinary meetings and more than twice a year if this is required by 3 of its members.

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