In the framework of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the International Organization "Religions for Peace", dated On July 28, 2020, the Second International Online Meeting was held with inter Religious councils from around the world, where several models and increasing inclusion in interfaith councils were discussed.
The panel of this meeting was opened by the Secretary General of "Religions for Peace" Prof. Azza Karam, who then gave the floor to panelists from several continents. Among the panelists invited to share the experience of interfaith dialogue in Albania was also the Secretary General of IRCA Dr. Genti Kruja, who spoke about the history of interfaith harmony in our country, the long-term cooperation of religious communities, academic activities in the field of dialogue, as well as the active participation of young people and women of all faiths in several humanitarian projects, such as the latest , to help hundreds of families in need from Earthquake which was supported by Religions for Peace.
In the speech delivered by the Deputy Secretary General, Mr. Kyoichi Sugino, the Interfaith Council of Albania is presented as a model of an active institution, structured with several boards, where all religious communities are equally represented.
Exactly to talk about this topic and model was also invited Dr. Kruja, who spoke on behalf of the Global Directorate of Interreligious Councils, sharing with about 200 leaders of interfaith institutions from around the world, some concrete examples of cooperation and interfaith dialogue in Albania./28.07.2020