Interreligious Council of Albania, meeting with the Department of State and International Alliance for Freedom of Belief

Interreligious Council of Albania, meeting with the Department of State and International Alliance for Freedom of Belief

Representatives and leaders from Interreligious Councils of different countries from all around the world, joined an online meeting with Ambassador Sam Brownback from the US State Department, to discuss freedom of thought, conscience and religion, one of the UN’s strategic priorities.

This meeting, organised by the international organisation “Religions for ‘Peace” in cooperation with the “International Alliance for Freedom of Faith”, was held to discuss on a dialogue on the roles and responsibilities of religious leaders to protect freedom of thought, conscience and faith.

The Interreligious Council of Albania participated in this event represented by the Secretary General, Dr. Genti Kruja. “International Alliance for Freedom of Faith” is a network of countries committed to advancing freedom of thought worldwide and to fighting discrimination and persecution based on religious grounds.

Aleanca Ndërkombëtare për Lirinë e Besimit është një rrjet i vendeve të përkushtuara për të përparuar në lirinë e besimit në të gjithë botën dhe për të luftuar diskriminimin dhe persekutimin bazuar në fe ose besim.

The Alliance was established on the international principle of freedom of religion and faith, based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the UN Declaration on the Elimination of all Forms of Intolerance and Discrimination based on Religion or Belief (UN Declaration, 1981) and other documents such as UN and OSCE guidelines.

One of the 26 countries that joined this Alliance was Albania along with countries such as Austria, Croatia, Greece, Israel, Kosovo, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, etc.IRCA


To learn more about the International Alliance for Freedom of Religion click below:



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